AudiooPy 0.5

Module audioopy

Class AudioFrames


A utility class for audio frames.

Initially based on audioop (2011-2023), this class is self-implemented in 02-2024 due to PEP 594 (dead batteries). Actually, 'audioop' is one of the 19 removed libraries with no proposed alternative.

 >>> frames = b''
 >>> a = AudioFrames(frames, sampwidth=2, nchannels=1)
 >>> a.rms()
 > 3
 >>> a.minmax()
 > (1,5)

Supported sample width is only either 1 (8bits) or 2 (16bits) or 4 (32bits).

Note that operations such as rms() or mul() make no distinction between mono and stereo fragments, i.e. all samples are treated equal. If this is a problem the stereo fragment should be split into two mono fragments first and recombined later.


Create an instance.

  • frames: (str) input frames
  • sampwidth: (int) sample width of the frames (1, 2 or 4)
  • nchannels: (int) number of channels in the samples
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def __init__(self, frames=b'', sampwidth=2, nchannels=1):
    """Create an instance.

    :param frames: (str) input frames
    :param sampwidth: (int) sample width of the frames (1, 2 or 4)
    :param nchannels: (int) number of channels in the samples

    sampwidth = int(sampwidth)
    if sampwidth not in [1, 2, 4]:
        raise SampleWidthError(sampwidth)
    nchannels = int(nchannels)
    if nchannels < 1:
        raise ChannelIndexError(nchannels)
    bytes_per_frame = sampwidth * nchannels
    if len(frames) % bytes_per_frame != 0:
        raise NumberFramesError(len(frames), sampwidth, nchannels)
    self._frames = frames
    self._sampwidth = sampwidth
    self._nchannels = nchannels

Public functions


Save the audio frames to a file.

  • filename: (str) output filename
  • framerate: (int) frames per second
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def save(self, filename: str, framerate: int):
    """Save the audio frames to a file.

        :param filename: (str) output filename
        :param framerate: (int) frames per second

    f = wave.Wave_write(filename)


Return the min value for a given sampwidth.

  • size: (int) the sampwidth
  • signed: (bool) if the values will be signed or not
  • SampleWidthError: Invalid given size.
  • (int) the min value
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def get_minval(size, signed=True):
    """Return the min value for a given sampwidth.

        :param size: (int) the sampwidth
        :param signed: (bool) if the values will be signed or not
        :raise: SampleWidthError: Invalid given size.
        :return: (int) the min value

    if not signed:
        return 0
    elif size == 1:
        return -128
    elif size == 2:
        return -32768
    elif size == 4:
        return -2147483648
    raise SampleWidthError(size)


Return the max value for a given sampwidth.

  • size: (int) the sampwidth
  • signed: (bool) if the values will be signed or not
  • SampleWidthError: Invalid given size.
  • (int) the max value
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def get_maxval(size, signed=True):
    """Return the max value for a given sampwidth.

        :param size: (int) the sampwidth
        :param signed: (bool) if the values will be signed or not
        :raise: SampleWidthError: Invalid given size.
        :return: (int) the max value

    if signed and size == 1:
        return 127
    elif size == 1:
        return 255
    elif signed and size == 2:
        return 32767
    elif size == 2:
        return 65535
    elif signed and size == 4:
        return 2147483647
    elif size == 4:
        return 4294967295
    raise SampleWidthError(size)


Return the number of channels in the frames.

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def get_nchannels(self):
    """Return the number of channels in the frames."""
    return self._nchannels


Return the size of the frames in (1, 2, 4).

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def get_sampwidth(self):
    """Return the size of the frames in (1, 2, 4)."""
    return self._sampwidth


Return the value of given sample index.

  • i: (int) index of the sample to get value
  • (int) value
  • IndexError: Invalid sample index.
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def get_sample(self, i):
    """Return the value of given sample index.

        :param i: (int) index of the sample to get value
        :return: (int) value
        :raises: IndexError: Invalid sample index.

    start = i * self._sampwidth
    end = start + self._sampwidth
    if end > len(self._frames):
        raise IndexError('Sample index out of range')
    return self.__frame_to_sample(self._frames[start:end])


Return the minimum and maximum values of all samples in the frames.

  • (int, int) Min and max amplitude values, or (0,0) if empty frames.
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def minmax(self):
    """Return the minimum and maximum values of all samples in the frames.

        :return: (int, int) Min and max amplitude values, or (0,0) if empty frames.

    if len(self._frames) > 0:
        val_min = self.get_maxval(self._sampwidth)
        val_max = self.get_minval(self._sampwidth)
        for i in range(len(self._frames) // self._sampwidth):
            val = self.get_sample(i)
            if val > val_max:
                val_max = val
            if val < val_min:
                val_min = val
        return (val_min, val_max)
    return (0, 0)


Return the minimum of the values of all samples in the frames.

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def min(self):
    """Return the minimum of the values of all samples in the frames."""
    return self.minmax()[0]


Return the maximum of the values of all samples in the frames.

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def max(self):
    """Return the maximum of the values of all samples in the frames."""
    return self.minmax()[1]


Return the maximum of the *absolute value of all samples in the frames.*

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def absmax(self):
    """Return the maximum of the *absolute value* of all samples in the frames."""
    val_min, val_max = self.minmax()
    return max(abs(val_min), abs(val_max))


Return the average over all samples in the frames.

  • (float) Average value rounded to 2 digits.
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def avg(self):
    """Return the average over all samples in the frames.

        :return: (float) Average value rounded to 2 digits.

    if len(self._frames) == 0:
        return 0
    samples_sum = 0.0
    nb_samples = len(self._frames) / self._sampwidth
    for i in range(int(nb_samples)):
        samples_sum += self.get_sample(i)
    return round(samples_sum / nb_samples, 2)


Return the root-mean-square of the frames.

  • (float) sqrt(sum(S_i^2) / n) rounded to 2 digits
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def rms(self):
    """Return the root-mean-square of the frames.

        :return: (float) sqrt(sum(S_i^2) / n) rounded to 2 digits

    if len(self._frames) == 0:
        return 0.0
    square_sum = 0.0
    nb_samples = len(self._frames) / self._sampwidth
    for i in range(int(nb_samples)):
        val = self.get_sample(i)
        square_sum += val * val
    return round(math.sqrt(square_sum / nb_samples), 2)


Return the number of zero crossings in frames.

  • (int) Number of zero crossing or -1 if empty frames
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def cross(self):
    """Return the number of zero crossings in frames.

        :return: (int) Number of zero crossing or -1 if empty frames

    n_cross = -1
    prev_val = 17
    for i in range(len(self._frames) // self._sampwidth):
        val = self.get_sample(i) < 0
        if val != prev_val:
            n_cross += 1
        prev_val = val
    return n_cross


Return the number of frames with a value higher than the one of the factor.

  • factor: (float) All frames outside the interval are clipped.
  • (int)
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def clip(self, factor=0.5):
    """Return the number of frames with a value higher than the one of the factor.

        :param factor: (float) All frames outside the interval are clipped.
        :return: (int)

    max_val = int(AudioFrames.get_maxval(self._sampwidth) * float(factor))
    min_val = int(AudioFrames.get_minval(self._sampwidth) * float(factor))
    n_clip = 0
    for i in range(len(self._frames) // self._sampwidth):
        val = self.get_sample(i)
        if val >= max_val or val <= min_val:
            n_clip += 1
    return n_clip


Return the clipping rate of the frames.

Percentage of samples with a value higher than the one corresponding to the factor. Factor has to be between 0 and 1.

  • factor: (float) All frames outside the interval are clipped.
  • (float) clipping rate value. To be multiplied by 100 to get the percentage!
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def clipping_rate(self, factor=0.5):
    """Return the clipping rate of the frames.

        Percentage of samples with a value higher than the one corresponding
        to the factor. Factor has to be between 0 and 1.

        :param factor: (float) All frames outside the interval are clipped.
        :return: (float) clipping rate value. To be multiplied by 100 to get the percentage!

    if len(self._frames) == 0:
        return 0.0
    return float(self.clip(factor)) / (len(self._frames) // self._sampwidth)


Return the stored frames.

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def get_frames(self):
    """Return the stored frames."""
    return self._frames


Converts big-endian samples to little-endian and vice versa.

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def byteswap(self):
    """Converts big-endian samples to little-endian and vice versa."""
        import audioop
        audioop.byteswap(self._frames, self._sampwidth)
    except ModuleNotFoundError:
        raise NotImplementedError


Return a factor F such that rms(add(mul(reference, -F))) is minimal.

Estimates the factor with which you should multiply reference to make it match as well as possible to the frames.

  • reference
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def findfactor(self, reference):
    """Return a factor F such that rms(add(mul(reference, -F))) is minimal.

        Estimates the factor with which you should multiply reference to make
        it match as well as possible to the frames.

        import audioop
        audioop.findfactor(self._frames, reference)
    except ModuleNotFoundError:
        raise NotImplementedError


Reverse the samples in the frames.

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def reverse(self):
    """Reverse the samples in the frames."""
        import audioop
        audioop.reverse(self._frames, self._sampwidth)
    except ModuleNotFoundError:
        raise NotImplementedError


Return frames for which all samples are multiplied by factor.

All samples in the original frames are multiplied by the floating-point value factor. Samples are truncated in case of overflow.

  • factor: (float) the factor which will be applied to each sample.
  • (bytes) converted frames
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def mul(self, factor):
    """Return frames for which all samples are multiplied by factor.

        All samples in the original frames are multiplied by the floating-point
        value factor. Samples are truncated in case of overflow.

        :param factor: (float) the factor which will be applied to each sample.
        :return: (bytes) converted frames

    if len(self._frames) == 0:
        return b''
    factor = float(factor)
    val_min = self.get_minval(self._sampwidth)
    val_max = self.get_maxval(self._sampwidth)
    mul_frames = self.__zero_frames()
    for i in range(len(self._frames) // self._sampwidth):
        val = float(self.get_sample(i))
        mul_val = max(val_min, min(val_max, int(val * factor)))
        mul_frames[i] = self.__sample_to_frame(mul_val)
    return b''.join(mul_frames)


Return frames that is the original ones with a bias added to each sample.

All samples in the original frames are summed with the given value. Samples are truncated in case of overflow.

  • value: (int) the bias which will be applied to each sample.
  • (bytes) converted frames
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def bias(self, value):
    """Return frames that is the original ones with a bias added to each sample.

        All samples in the original frames are summed with the given value.
        Samples are truncated in case of overflow.

        :param value: (int) the bias which will be applied to each sample.
        :return: (bytes) converted frames

    if len(self._frames) == 0:
        return b''
    value = int(value)
    val_min = self.get_minval(self._sampwidth)
    val_max = self.get_maxval(self._sampwidth)
    mul_frames = self.__zero_frames()
    for i in range(len(self._frames) // self._sampwidth):
        val = self.get_sample(i)
        mul_val = max(val_min, min(val_max, val + value))
        mul_frames[i] = self.__sample_to_frame(mul_val)
    return b''.join(mul_frames)


Return frames with the given number of bytes.

  • size: (int) new sample width of the frames. (1 for 8 bits, 2 for 16 bits, 4 for 32 bits)
  • (bytes) converted frames
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def change_sampwidth(self, size):
    """Return frames with the given number of bytes.

        :param size: (int) new sample width of the frames.
            (1 for 8 bits, 2 for 16 bits, 4 for 32 bits)
        :return: (bytes) converted frames

    if size not in (1, 2, 4):
        raise SampleWidthError(size)
    zero_byte = b'\x00' * size
    size_frames = [zero_byte] * (len(self._frames) // self._sampwidth)
    for i in range(len(self._frames) // self._sampwidth):
        val = self.get_sample(i)
        val = val << (4 - self._sampwidth) * 8
        if size == 2:
            size_frames[i] = struct.pack('<h', val >> 16)
        elif size == 4:
            size_frames[i] = struct.pack('<l', val)
        elif size == 1:
            size_frames[i] = struct.pack('<b', val >> 24)
    return b''.join(size_frames)


Return re-sampled frames with the given new framerate.

  • in_rate: (int) The original sample rate of the audio frames
  • out_rate: (int) The desired sample rate to resample the audio frames to
  • (bytes) the resampled audio frames.
  • FrameRateError: invalid given in_rate
  • FrameRateError: invalid given out_rate
  • NotImplementedError: can't resample from inrate to outrate
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def resample(self, in_rate, out_rate=16000):
    """Return re-sampled frames with the given new framerate.

        :param in_rate: (int) The original sample rate of the audio frames
        :param out_rate: (int) The desired sample rate to resample the audio frames to
        :return: (bytes) the resampled audio frames.
        :raise: FrameRateError: invalid given in_rate
        :raise: FrameRateError: invalid given out_rate
        :raise: NotImplementedError: can't resample from in_rate to out_rate

    if len(self._frames) == 0:
        return b''
    in_rate = int(in_rate)
    out_rate = int(out_rate)
    if in_rate < 8000:
        raise FrameRateError(in_rate)
    if out_rate < 8000:
        raise FrameRateError(out_rate)
    if in_rate == out_rate:
        return self._frames
        frames = self._re_sample(in_rate, out_rate)
        return frames
    except NotImplementedError as e:
        logging.warning("Deprecated. Since 'audioop' is removed of the Python standard library, re-sampling is not fully available from Python 3.13. ")
            import audioop
            return audioop.ratecv(self._frames, self._sampwidth, self._nchannels, in_rate, out_rate, None)[0]
        except ModuleNotFoundError:
            raise e

Private functions


Do re-sampling, or not if in a not implemented condition.

  • in_rate: (int) The original sample rate of the audio frames
  • out_rate: (int) The desired sample rate to resample the audio frames to
  • (bytes) the resampled audio frames.
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def _re_sample(self, in_rate, out_rate):
    """Do re-sampling, or not if in a not implemented condition.

        :param in_rate: (int) The original sample rate of the audio frames
        :param out_rate: (int) The desired sample rate to resample the audio frames to
        :return: (bytes) the resampled audio frames.

    in_nsamples = len(self._frames) // self._sampwidth
    out_nsamples = math.ceil(float(len(self._frames)) / float(self._sampwidth) * float(out_rate) / float(in_rate))
    if in_nsamples == 0:
        return b''
    if AudioFrames._re_sample_valid_16kHz_rates(in_rate, out_rate) is False:
        frames_out = self._ratecv(in_rate, out_rate, in_nsamples, out_nsamples)
        frames_out = self._re_sample_for_down16kHz(in_rate, out_rate, in_nsamples, out_nsamples)
    return b''.join(frames_out)


Interpolate input samples to produce output samples.

This method is a python implementation of the audioop.ratecv function. This function adjusts the rate of audio samples by interpolating the samples from an input number of samples (innsamples) to an output number of samples (outnsamples). It also performs a simple digital filter using the weights weightA and weightB.

Known bug: the first frame is not properly interpolated.

  • in_nsamples: (int) The total number of input samples
  • out_nsamples: (int) The desired number of output samples
  • (list of bytes) Resampled audio frames
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def _ratecv(self, in_rate, out_rate, in_nsamples, out_nsamples, state=None, weightA=1, weightB=0):
    """Interpolate input samples to produce output samples.

        This method is a python implementation of the audioop.ratecv function.
        This function adjusts the rate of audio samples by interpolating the samples
        from an input number of samples (in_nsamples) to an output number of samples
        (out_nsamples). It also performs a simple digital filter using the weights
        `weightA` and `weightB`.

        Known bug: the first frame is not properly interpolated.

        :param in_nsamples: (int) The total number of input samples
        :param out_nsamples: (int) The desired number of output samples
        :return: (list of bytes) Resampled audio frames

    if in_rate * out_rate * in_nsamples * out_nsamples == 0:
        raise ValueError('Unexpected zero rate.')
    if weightA < 1 or weightB < 0:
        raise ValueError('weightA should be >= 1, weightB should be >= 0')
    gcd_rates = gcd(in_rate, out_rate)
    in_n = in_rate // gcd_rates
    in_nsamples = min(in_n, in_nsamples)
    out_n = out_rate // gcd_rates
    out_nsamples = min(out_n, out_nsamples)
    bytes_per_frame = self._sampwidth * self._nchannels
    if len(self._frames) % bytes_per_frame != 0:
        raise ValueError('Fragment is not a whole number of frames')
    num_frames = len(self._frames) // bytes_per_frame
    if state is None:
        prev_i = [0] * self._nchannels
        cur_i = [0] * self._nchannels
        if not isinstance(state, tuple):
            raise TypeError('State must be a tuple or None')
        if len(state) != self._nchannels:
            raise ValueError('State tuple size must match number of channels')
        prev_i, cur_i = zip(*state)
        prev_i = list(prev_i)
        cur_i = list(cur_i)
    output_length = math.ceil(num_frames * out_nsamples / in_nsamples)
    zero_byte = b'\x00' * self._sampwidth
    output_frames = [zero_byte] * output_length
    input_idx = 0
    output_idx = 0
    d_accumulator = -in_nsamples
    while input_idx < num_frames:
        while d_accumulator < 0:
            for chan in range(self._nchannels):
                prev_i[chan] = cur_i[chan]
                first_frame = input_idx * bytes_per_frame
                last_frame = input_idx * bytes_per_frame + (chan + 1) * self._sampwidth
                frame = self._frames[first_frame:last_frame]
                    if len(frame) > 0:
                        cur_i[chan] = self.__frame_to_sample(frame)
                        cur_i[chan] = (weightA * cur_i[chan] + weightB * prev_i[chan]) // (weightA + weightB)
            input_idx += 1
            d_accumulator += out_nsamples
        while d_accumulator >= 0:
            for chan in range(self._nchannels):
                val = round((prev_i[chan] * d_accumulator + cur_i[chan] * (out_nsamples - d_accumulator)) / out_nsamples)
                    output_frames[output_idx] = self.__sample_to_frame(val)
                except IndexError:
                output_idx += 1
            d_accumulator -= in_n
    return output_frames


Check if given frame rates are supported for simple re-sampling.

  • (bool) False if interpolation needed
  • in_rate
  • out_rate
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def _re_sample_valid_16kHz_rates(in_rate, out_rate):
    """Check if given frame rates are supported for simple re-sampling.

        :return: (bool) False if interpolation needed

    if in_rate < out_rate:
        return False
    if out_rate != 16000:
        return False
    if in_rate not in (192000, 96000, 48000, 32000, 16000):
        return False
    return True


Do re-sampling to 16kHz from a multiple.

Get actual frames, turn into samples, and reduce into the new expected number of samples. Implemented solution algorithm is:

  1. add "in_n" samples into a buffer from frames;
  2. reduce the buffer to "out_n" samples;
  3. Go to 1. until the end of the frames is reached.
  • in_rate: (int) The original sample rate of the audio frames
  • out_rate: (int) The desired sample rate to resample the audio frames to (expected 16kHz)
  • in_nsamples: (int) The number of samples required for re-sampling
  • out_nsamples: (int) The number of re-sampled samples
  • (bytes) the resampled audio frames.
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def _re_sample_for_down16kHz(self, in_rate, out_rate, in_nsamples, out_nsamples):
    """Do re-sampling to 16kHz from a multiple.

        Get actual frames, turn into samples, and reduce into the new expected
        number of samples. Implemented solution algorithm is:

        1. add "in_n" samples into a buffer from frames;
        2. reduce the buffer to "out_n" samples;
        3. Go to 1. until the end of the frames is reached.

        :param in_rate: (int) The original sample rate of the audio frames
        :param out_rate: (int) The desired sample rate to resample the audio frames to (expected 16kHz)
        :param in_nsamples: (int) The number of samples required for re-sampling
        :param out_nsamples: (int) The number of re-sampled samples
        :return: (bytes) the resampled audio frames.

    gcd_rates = gcd(in_rate, out_rate)
    in_n = in_rate // gcd_rates
    in_n = min(in_n, in_nsamples)
    out_n = out_rate // gcd_rates
    out_n = min(out_n, out_nsamples)
    zero_byte = b'\x00' * self._sampwidth
    size_frames = [zero_byte] * out_nsamples
    in_buffer = [0] * in_n
    cur_n = 0
    i = 0
    while i < in_nsamples:
        in_buffer[cur_n] = self.get_sample(i)
        cur_n = cur_n + 1
        i = i + 1
        if cur_n == in_n or i == in_nsamples:
            if cur_n == in_n and in_n % out_n == 0:
                out_buffer = self._down_sample(in_buffer, out_n)
                while in_n % out_n != 0:
                    in_n += 1
                    in_buffer.append(in_buffer[cur_n - 1])
                while cur_n < in_n:
                    in_buffer[cur_n] = in_buffer[cur_n - 1]
                    cur_n = cur_n + 1
                    i = i + 1
                out_buffer = self._down_sample(in_buffer, out_n)
            for x in range(len(out_buffer)):
                val = out_buffer[x]
                size_frames[i // in_n - 1 + x] = self.__sample_to_frame(val)
            cur_n = 0
    return size_frames


Reduce the given samples to n items.

Down-sample is not applicable if not len(samples) % n.

  • samples: (list) List of sample values
  • n: number of expected sample values in the returned list
  • (list) reduced list of samples
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def _down_sample(samples, n):
    """Reduce the given samples to n items.

        Down-sample is not applicable if not len(samples) % n.

        :param samples: (list) List of sample values
        :param n: number of expected sample values in the returned list
        :return: (list) reduced list of samples

    if len(samples) % n == 0:
        down = [0] * n
        step = len(samples) // n
        buffer = list()
        cur = 0
        for i in range(len(samples) + 1):
            if len(buffer) == step:
                down[cur] = int(sum(buffer) / len(buffer))
                buffer = list()
                cur = cur + 1
            if i < len(samples):
        raise NotImplementedError('Down-sample is not applicable {:d}%{:d} != 0.'.format(len(samples), n))
    return down

Protected functions


Unpack a frame into its sample value.

Make no distinction between mono and stereo frames.

  • frame: (bytes) Frames with a length equal to the sample width (1, 2 or 4).
  • SampleWidthError: if len(frame) != sample width
  • (int) value or 0
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def __frame_to_sample(self, frame):
    """Unpack a frame into its sample value.

        Make no distinction between mono and stereo frames.

        :param frame: (bytes) Frames with a length equal to the sample width (1, 2 or 4).
        :raise: SampleWidthError: if len(frame) != sample width
        :return: (int) value or 0

    if self._sampwidth == 2 and len(frame) == 2:
        return struct.unpack('<%uh' % 1, frame)[0]
    elif self._sampwidth == 1 and len(frame) == 1:
        return struct.unpack('<%ub' % 1, frame)[0]
    elif self._sampwidth == 4 and len(frame) == 4:
        return struct.unpack('<%ul' % 1, frame)[0]
    raise SampleWidthError(len(frame))


Pack a sample value into a frame.

Make no distinction between mono and stereo frames.

  • sample: Sample value
  • (bytes) Frame
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def __sample_to_frame(self, sample):
    """Pack a sample value into a frame.

        Make no distinction between mono and stereo frames.

        :param sample: Sample value
        :return: (bytes) Frame

    if isinstance(sample, int) is False:
        raise TypeError('Given sample must be an integer. Got {}'.format(type(sample)))
    if self._sampwidth == 2:
        return struct.pack('<h', sample)
    elif self._sampwidth == 4:
        return struct.pack('<l', sample)
    elif self._sampwidth == 1:
        return struct.pack('<b', sample)
    return b''


Return a list of frames with 0 bytes values.

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def __zero_frames(self):
    """Return a list of frames with 0 bytes values."""
    zero_byte = b'\x00' * self._sampwidth
    return [zero_byte] * (len(self._frames) // self._sampwidth)



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def __len__(self):
    return len(self._frames) // self._sampwidth