A utility to convert data formats.
Module audioopy
Class AudioConverter
Create an AudioConverter instance.
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def __init__(self):
"""Create an AudioConverter instance."""
Public functions
Turn frames into samples.
Unpack the data frames depending on their sample width.
- frames: (str) Audio frames
- samples_width: (int)
- nchannels: (int) number of channels in the frames
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def unpack_data(frames, samples_width, nchannels=1):
"""Turn frames into samples.
Unpack the data frames depending on their sample width.
:param frames: (str) Audio frames
:param samples_width: (int)
:param nchannels: (int) number of channels in the frames
samples_width = int(samples_width)
if samples_width == 4:
data = list(struct.unpack('<%ul' % (len(frames) // 4), frames))
elif samples_width == 2:
data = list(struct.unpack('<%uh' % (len(frames) // 2), frames))
elif samples_width == 1:
tmp_data = struct.unpack('%uB' % len(frames), frames)
data = [s - 128 for s in tmp_data]
raise SampleWidthError(samples_width)
samples = list()
if nchannels > 1:
for i in range(nchannels):
samples.append([data[j] for j in range(i, len(data), nchannels)])
return samples
Turn samples into frames.
- samples: (int[][]) samples list, first index is the index of the channel, second is the index of the sample.
- samples_width: (int) sample width of the frames.
- nchannels: (int) number of channels in the samples
- (str) frames
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def samples2frames(samples, samples_width, nchannels=1):
"""Turn samples into frames.
:param samples: (int[][]) samples list,
first index is the index of the channel, second is the index of the sample.
:param samples_width: (int) sample width of the frames.
:param nchannels: (int) number of channels in the samples
:return: (str) frames
samples_width = int(samples_width)
nchannels = int(nchannels)
if nchannels < 1:
raise ChannelIndexError(nchannels)
nframes = len(samples[0])
frames = b''
if samples_width == 4:
for i in range(nframes):
for j in range(nchannels):
frames += struct.pack('<l', samples[j][i])
return frames
if samples_width == 2:
for i in range(nframes):
for j in range(nchannels):
frames += struct.pack('<h', samples[j][i])
return frames
if samples_width == 1:
for i in range(nframes):
for j in range(nchannels):
frames += struct.pack('<b', samples[j][i])
return frames
raise SampleWidthError(samples_width)
Return the equivalent value in a mel scale, from a frequency value.
Mel is a unit of pitch proposed by Stevens, Volkmann and Newmann in 1937. The mel scale is a scale of pitches judged by listeners to be equal in distance one from another. The name mel comes from the word melody to indicate that the scale is based on pitch comparisons.
- value: (int|float) the value to convert
- (int) the value in mel
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def hz2mel(value):
"""Return the equivalent value in a mel scale, from a frequency value.
Mel is a unit of pitch proposed by Stevens, Volkmann and Newmann in
1937. The mel scale is a scale of pitches judged by listeners to be
equal in distance one from another.
The name mel comes from the word melody to indicate that the scale
is based on pitch comparisons.
:param value: (int|float) the value to convert
:return: (int) the value in mel
return 2595 * math.log10(1.0 + float(value) / 700.0)
Return the equivalent value in frequency, from a mel value.
- value: (int) the value in mel to convert
- (int) the value in dB
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def mel2hz(value):
"""Return the equivalent value in frequency, from a mel value.
:param value: (int) the value in mel to convert
:return: (int) the value in dB
return round(700 * (10 ** (float(value) / 2595) - 1), 2)
Return the equivalent value in a dB scale, from an amplitude value.
Decibels express a power ratio, not an amount. They tell how many times more (positive dB) or less (negative dB) but not how much in absolute terms. Decibels are logarithmic, not linear. Doubling of the value leads to an increase of 6.02dB.
- value: (int) the amplitude value to convert
- (float) the value in dB
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def amp2db(value):
"""Return the equivalent value in a dB scale, from an amplitude value.
Decibels express a power ratio, not an amount. They tell how many times
more (positive dB) or less (negative dB) but not how much in absolute terms.
Decibels are logarithmic, not linear.
Doubling of the value leads to an increase of 6.02dB.
:param value: (int) the amplitude value to convert
:return: (float) the value in dB
if value < 3:
return 0.0
return round(20.0 * math.log10(value), 2)