AudiooPy 0.5


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        an Audio manager in Python Object-Oriented Programming

                Copyright (C) 2024 Brigitte Bigi, CNRS
        Laboratoire Parole et Langage, Aix-en-Provence, France

AudiooPy description


Uses cases

Either, you have an audio file, and you want to apply some operations the Python audioop library is doing before its removal of the distribution. Or, you have a speech audio file, and you want to detect automatically speech segments, also called IPUs - Inter-Pausal Units.

And... You don't want to install a bunch of other libraries! Then AudiooPy is the library you need.


AudiooPy contains self-implemented useful operations on sound files and sound fragments. It operates on sound frames, meaning they consist of signed integer samples 8, 16, or 32 bits wide, stored in bytes-like objects.

Among others, it allows the followings:

AudiooPy is a solution to replace 'audioop' which was part of Python standard library and was unexpectedly removed in 3.13. See PEP 594 (dead batteries) for details. Actually, 'audioop' is one of the 19 removed libraries with no proposed alternative and no explanation.

Main advantages

AudiooPy is self-implemented, it does not require any other external library.

Install AudiooPy


PyPI - Version

> python -m pip install AudiooPy

From its wheel package:

Download the wheel file (AudiooPy-xxx.whl) from SourceForge and install it in your python environment with:

> python -m pip install <AudiooPy-xxx.whl>

From its repo:

Download the repository from SourceForge and unpack it, or clone with git. Optionally, it can be installed with:

> python -m pip install .

Install all the optional dependencies with:

> python -m pip install ".[docs, tests]"

AudiooPy content

AudiooPy tool includes the following folders and files:

  1. "audioopy": the source code of the API
  2. "docs": the documentation of audioopy library in both HTML and Markdown
  3. "tests": the tests of the source code, including audio sample files

Quick Start

Scripts are available in the audioopy/scripts folder. Try for example:

> python audioopy/scripts/ -w tests/samples/oriana1.wav
> python audioopy/scripts/ -w tests/samples/oriana1.wav -s 0.25

Operates on audio

Implement it by yourself! Open an audio file and get some information:

>>> import audioopy.aio
>>> audio ="tests/samples/oriana1.wav")
>>> audio.get_sampwidth()
>>> audio.get_framerate()
>>> audio.get_duration()
>>> audio.get_nchannels()
>>> audio.get_nframes()
>>> audio.rms()
>>> audio.clipping_rate(0.4)
>>> # Extract the channel
>>> audio.extract_channel(0)

Search for IPUs: sound segments in speech

You can launch 'python' and see the results!

To get IPUs from an audio into your python program, see the following example:

>>> from audioopy.ipus import SearchForIPUs
>>>  # Create the instance and fix options
>>> searcher = SearchForIPUs(channel=audio[0])
>>>  # Fix options
>>> searcher.set_vol_threshold(0)  # auto
>>> searcher.set_win_length(0.02)
>>> searcher.set_min_sil(0.25)
>>> searcher.set_min_ipu(0.2)
>>> searcher.set_shift_start(0.02)
>>> searcher.set_shift_end(0.02)
>>>  # Process the data and get the list of IPUs
>>> tracks = searcher.get_tracks(time_domain=True)

The following reference presents the 'Search for IPUs' initially implemented in SPPAS and migrated in AudiooPy, describing the method and focusing on its evaluation on the Cheese! corpus, a corpus of both reading and conversational speech between two participants. It reports the number of manual actions performed by the annotators to achieve the expected segmentation: adding new IPUs, ignoring irrelevant ones, splitting an IPU, merging two consecutive ones, and moving boundaries.

Brigitte Bigi, Béatrice Priego-Valverde (2022). The automatic search for sounding segments of SPPAS: application to Cheese! corpus. Human Language Technology. Challenges for Computer Science and Linguistics, LNAI, LNCS 13212, pp. 16-27.

Make the doc

The documentation of the API is both available at and in the docs folder. Click the file index.html to browse throw the documented classes.

To re-generate the doc, install the required external programs, then launch the doc generator:

>python -m pip install ".[docs]"

Test/Analyze source code

Install the optional dependencies with:

> python -m pip install ".[tests]"

Code coverage can be analyzed with unittest and coverage. Install them with the command: python -m pip install ".[tests]". Then, perform the following steps:

  1. coverage run -m unittest
  2. coverage report to see a summary report into the terminal, or use this command to get the detailed result in XML format: coverage xml

Projects using AudiooPy

AudiooPy was initially developed within SPPAS It was extracted from its original software in 2024 by the author to lead its own life as standalone package.

Help / How to contribute

If you plan to contribute to the code or to report a bug, please send an e-mail to the author. Any and all constructive comments are welcome.


See the accompanying LICENSE and files for the full list of contributors.

Copyright (C) 2024 Brigitte Bigi, CNRS - Laboratoire Parole et Langage, Aix-en-Provence, France

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see


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