AudiooPy 0.5

Module audioopy.ipus

Class SearchForIPUs


An automatic silence versus sounding segments segmentation system.

This segmentation aims at finding IPUs - Inter-Pausal Units, also called sounding segments, in speech. IPUs are blocks of speech bounded by silent pauses of more than X ms, and time-aligned on the speech signal.

See the following reference publication:

Brigitte Bigi, BĂ©atrice Priego-Valverde (2022). The automatic search for sounding segments of SPPAS: application to Cheese! corpus. Human Language Technology. Challenges for Computer Science and Linguistics, LNAI, LNCS 13212, pp. 16-27.


Create a new SearchIPUs instance.

The class is particularly useful for identifying segments of speech bounded by silent pauses.


  • winlen (inherited): Window length for RMS estimation.
  • _vagueness (inherited): Windows length to refine the silence boundaries estimation.
  • _channel (inherited): Channel instance to use.
  • minsil_dur: Minimum duration for a silence.
  • minipu_dur: Minimum duration for an IPU.
  • volthreshold: Volume threshold for silence detection.
  • autothreshold: Automatically estimated volume threshold for silence detection.
  • shiftstart: Start shift value.
  • shiftend: End shift value.
  • channel: (Channel)
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def __init__(self, channel: Channel, win_len: float=0.02):
    """Create a new SearchIPUs instance.

    The class is particularly useful for identifying segments of speech
    bounded by silent pauses.


    - _win_len (inherited): Window length for RMS estimation.
    - _vagueness (inherited): Windows length to refine the silence boundaries estimation.
    - _channel (inherited): Channel instance to use.
    - _min_sil_dur: Minimum duration for a silence.
    - _min_ipu_dur: Minimum duration for an IPU.
    - _vol_threshold: Volume threshold for silence detection.
    - _auto_threshold: Automatically estimated volume threshold for silence detection.
    - _shift_start: Start shift value.
    - _shift_end: End shift value.

    :param channel: (Channel)

    super(SearchForIPUs, self).__init__(channel, win_len, win_len / 4.0)
    self._min_sil_dur = SearchForIPUs.DEFAULT_MIN_SIL_DUR
    self._min_ipu_dur = SearchForIPUs.DEFAULT_MIN_IPU_DUR
    self._vol_threshold = SearchForIPUs.DEFAULT_VOL_THRESHOLD
    self._auto_threshold = SearchForIPUs.DEFAULT_VOL_THRESHOLD
    self._shift_start = SearchForIPUs.DEFAULT_SHIFT_START
    self._shift_end = SearchForIPUs.DEFAULT_SHIFT_END

Public functions


Return the audio data of tracks.

  • tracks: List of tracks. A track is a tuple(start, end).
  • List of audio data
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def get_track_data(self, tracks: list) -> list:
    """Return the audio data of tracks.

        :param tracks: List of tracks. A track is a tuple (start, end).
        :return: List of audio data

    return self.__track_data(tracks)


Return the initial volume threshold used to search for silences.

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def get_vol_threshold(self) -> int:
    """Return the initial volume threshold used to search for silences."""
    return self._vol_threshold


Return the threshold volume estimated automatically to search for silences.

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def get_effective_threshold(self) -> int:
    """Return the threshold volume estimated automatically to search for silences."""
    return self._auto_threshold


Return the minimum duration of a silence.

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def get_min_sil_dur(self) -> float:
    """Return the minimum duration of a silence."""
    return self._min_sil_dur


Return the minimum duration of a track.

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def get_min_ipu_dur(self) -> float:
    """Return the minimum duration of a track."""
    return self._min_ipu_dur


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def get_shift_start(self) -> float:
    return self._shift_start


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def get_shift_end(self) -> float:
    return self._shift_end


Fix the default minimum volume value to find silences.

It won't affect the current list of silence values. Use search_sil().

  • vol_threshold: (int) RMS value
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def set_vol_threshold(self, vol_threshold: int) -> None:
    """Fix the default minimum volume value to find silences.

        It won't affect the current list of silence values. Use search_sil().

        :param vol_threshold: (int) RMS value

    vol_threshold = int(vol_threshold)
    if vol_threshold < 0:
        self._vol_threshold = SearchForIPUs.DEFAULT_VOL_THRESHOLD
        self._vol_threshold = vol_threshold


Fix the default minimum duration of a silence.

  • minsildur: (float) Duration in seconds.
  • ValueError: Invalid given minsildur value.
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def set_min_sil(self, min_sil_dur: float) -> None:
    """Fix the default minimum duration of a silence.

        :param min_sil_dur: (float) Duration in seconds.
        :raises: ValueError: Invalid given min_sil_dur value.

    min_sil_dur = float(min_sil_dur)
    self._min_sil_dur = max(float(min_sil_dur), SearchForIPUs.MIN_SIL_DUR)


Fix the default minimum duration of an IPU.

  • minipudur: (float) Duration in seconds.
  • ValueError: Invalid given minipudur value.
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def set_min_ipu(self, min_ipu_dur: float) -> None:
    """Fix the default minimum duration of an IPU.

        :param min_ipu_dur: (float) Duration in seconds.
        :raises: ValueError: Invalid given min_ipu_dur value.

    min_ipu_dur = float(min_ipu_dur)
    self._min_ipu_dur = max(min_ipu_dur, SearchForIPUs.MIN_IPU_DUR)


Fix the default minimum boundary shift value.

  • s: (float) Duration in seconds.
  • ValueError: Invalid given s value.
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def set_shift_start(self, s: float) -> None:
    """Fix the default minimum boundary shift value.

        :param s: (float) Duration in seconds.
        :raises: ValueError: Invalid given s value.

    s = float(s)
    if -self._min_ipu_dur < s < self._min_sil_dur:
        self._shift_start = s


Fix the default minimum boundary shift value.

  • s: (float) Duration in seconds.
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def set_shift_end(self, s: float) -> None:
    """Fix the default minimum boundary shift value.

        :param s: (float) Duration in seconds.

    s = float(s)
    if -self._min_ipu_dur < s < self._min_sil_dur:
        self._shift_end = s


Return the minimum duration we expect for a channel.

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def min_channel_duration(self) -> float:
    """Return the minimum duration we expect for a channel."""
    d = max(self._min_sil_dur, self._min_ipu_dur)
    return d + self._shift_start + self._shift_end


Return min, max, mean, median, stdev of the RMS.

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def get_rms_stats(self) -> list:
    """Return min, max, mean, median, stdev of the RMS."""
    vs = self.get_volstats()
    return [vs.min(), vs.max(), vs.mean(), vs.median(), vs.coefvariation()]


Return a list of tuples (from,to) of tracks.

(from,to) values are converted, or not, into the time-domain.

The tracks are found from the current list of silences, which is firstly filtered with the minsildur.

Using this method requires the following members to be fixed: - the volume threshold - the minimum duration for a silence, - the minimum duration for a track, - the duration to remove to the start boundary, - the duration to add to the end boundary.

  • time_domain: (bool) Convert from/to values in seconds
  • (list of tuples) with (from,to) of the tracks
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def get_tracks(self, time_domain: bool=False) -> list:
    """Return a list of tuples (from,to) of tracks.

        (from,to) values are converted, or not, into the time-domain.

        The tracks are found from the current list of silences, which is
        firstly filtered with the min_sil_dur.

        Using this method requires the following members to be fixed:
            - the volume threshold
            - the minimum duration for a silence,
            - the minimum duration for a track,
            - the duration to remove to the start boundary,
            - the duration to add to the end boundary.

        :param time_domain: (bool) Convert from/to values in seconds
        :return: (list of tuples) with (from,to) of the tracks

    self._auto_threshold = self.search_silences(self._vol_threshold)
    msd = self._min_sil_dur + self._shift_start + self._shift_end
    thr = self._auto_threshold // 2
    self.filter_silences(thr, msd)
    tracks = self.extract_tracks(self._min_ipu_dur, self._shift_start, self._shift_end)
    if time_domain is True:
        time_tracks = []
        for i, (from_pos, to_pos) in enumerate(tracks):
            f = float(from_pos) / float(self._channel.get_framerate())
            t = float(to_pos) / float(self._channel.get_framerate())
            time_tracks.append((f, t))
        return time_tracks
    return tracks

Protected functions


Yield the tracks data: a set of frames for each track.

  • tracks: (list of tuples) List of (frompos,topos)
  • TypeError: Invalid given tracks
  • ValueError: Invalid frame position
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def __track_data(self, tracks: list) -> None:
    """Yield the tracks data: a set of frames for each track.

        :param tracks: (list of tuples) List of (from_pos,to_pos)
        :raises: TypeError: Invalid given tracks
        :raises: ValueError: Invalid frame position

    if self._channel is None:
    for v in tracks:
            if len(v) != 2:
            raise TypeError('Expected a list of 2 int values, got {} instead'.format(v))
    nframes = self._channel.get_nframes()
    for from_pos, to_pos in tracks:
        if nframes < from_pos:
            if nframes < from_pos - 10:
                raise ValueError('Position %d not in range(%d)' % (from_pos, nframes))
                from_pos = nframes
        yield self._channel.get_frames(to_pos - from_pos)