AudiooPy 0.5

Module audioopy

Class ChannelVolume


Estimate stats of the volume of an audio channel.

It extends the BaseVolume class to estimate and analyze the volume (rms) of an audio channel over specified time windows. It calculates rms values for segments of audio data and provides statistical measures for these values.

Main functionalities:

  • Estimate rms values for segments of an audio channel.
  • Calculate statistical measures such as mean, median, variance, standard deviation, and z-scores for the calculated rms values.


Create a volume estimator for the given channel.


  • _channel: (Channel) The audio channel being analyzed.
  • winlen: (float) The window length used for estimating rms values.
  • _volumes: (list) List of calculated rms values.
  • _rms: (float) The global rms value of the channel.
  • channel: (Channel) The channel to work on.
  • win_len: (float) Window length to estimate the volume.
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def __init__(self, channel: Channel, win_len: float=0.01):
    """Create a volume estimator for the given channel.


    - _channel: (Channel) The audio channel being analyzed.
    - _win_len: (float) The window length used for estimating rms values.
    - _volumes: (list) List of calculated rms values.
    - _rms: (float) The global rms value of the channel.

    :param channel: (Channel) The channel to work on.
    :param win_len: (float) Window length to estimate the volume.

    super(ChannelVolume, self).__init__(win_len)
    pos = channel.tell()
    self._channel = channel
    self._win_len = win_len
    self._volumes = ChannelVolume.calculate_volumes(channel, win_len)
    self._rms = channel.rms()

Public functions


Set manually the rms at a given position.

  • index: (int) The index of the value to set.
  • value: (float) The value of the channel.
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def set_volume_value(self, index: int, value: float) -> None:
    """Set manually the rms at a given position.

        :param index: (int) The index of the value to set.
        :param value: (float) The value of the channel.

    self._volumes[index] = value


Force to re-estimate the global rms value and re-assign all members.

  • win_len: (float) Window length to estimate the volume.
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def evaluate(self, win_len: float=0.01) -> None:
    """Force to re-estimate the global rms value and re-assign all members.

        :param win_len: (float) Window length to estimate the volume.

    pos = self._channel.tell()
    '\n        nb_frames = int(win_len * self._channel.get_framerate())\n        nb_vols = int(self._channel.get_duration()/win_len) + 1\n        previous_rms = 0\n        for i in range(nb_vols):\n            frames = self._channel.get_frames(nb_frames)\n            a = AudioFrames(frames, self._channel.get_sampwidth(), 1)\n            rms = a.rms()\n            if rms > 0:  # provide negative values of corrupted audio files\n                self._volumes[i] = rms\n            elif rms < 0:\n                self._volumes[i] = previous_rms\n                logging.warning("Corrupted audio? The RMS shouldn\'t be a negative value. Got {}.".format(rms))\n            previous_rms = rms\n        '
    volumes = ChannelVolume.calculate_volumes(self._channel, self._win_len)
    self._volumes = volumes
    self._rms = self._channel.rms()
    self._win_len = win_len


Estimate the volume values of an audio channel.

Computes the Root Mean Square (RMS) values of audio frames in a given channel over specified time windows. It handles corrupted audio by logging warnings and using the previous RMS value for negative RMS readings.


  1. Calculate the number of frames per window and the total number of windows.
  2. Initialize a list to store RMS values and set the initial previous_rms to 0.
  3. Loop through each window, extract frames, and compute the RMS value.
  4. If the RMS value is positive, store it; if negative, log a warning and use the previous RMS value.
  5. Return the list of RMS values.
 >>> channel = Channel(framerate=16000, sampwidth=2, frames=b'')
 >>> volumes = ChannelVolume.calculate_volumes(channel, win_len=0.01)
 >>> print(volumes)
 > [2.74]
  • channel: (Channel) The channel to work on.
  • win_len: (float) Window length to estimate the volume.
  • (list) The volume values.
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def calculate_volumes(channel: Channel, win_len: float=0.01) -> list:
    """Estimate the volume values of an audio channel.

        Computes the Root Mean Square (RMS) values of audio frames in a given
        channel over specified time windows. It handles corrupted audio by
        logging warnings and using the previous RMS value for negative RMS


        1. Calculate the number of frames per window and the total number of windows.
        2. Initialize a list to store RMS values and set the initial previous_rms to 0.
        3. Loop through each window, extract frames, and compute the RMS value.
        4. If the RMS value is positive, store it; if negative, log a warning and use the previous RMS value.
        5. Return the list of RMS values.

        >>> channel = Channel(framerate=16000, sampwidth=2, frames=b'\x01\x00\x02\x00\x03\x00\x04\x00')
        >>> volumes = ChannelVolume.calculate_volumes(channel, win_len=0.01)
        >>> print(volumes)

        :param channel: (Channel) The channel to work on.
        :param win_len: (float) Window length to estimate the volume.
        :return: (list) The volume values.

    nb_frames = int(win_len * channel.get_framerate())
    nb_vols = int(channel.get_duration() / win_len) + 1
    volumes = [0.0] * nb_vols
    previous_rms = 0
    for i in range(nb_vols):
        frames = channel.get_frames(nb_frames)
        a = AudioFrames(frames, channel.get_sampwidth(), 1)
        rms = a.rms()
        if rms > 0:
            volumes[i] = rms
        elif rms < 0:
            volumes[i] = previous_rms
            logging.warning("Corrupted audio? The RMS shouldn't be a negative value but got {}".format(rms))
        previous_rms = rms
    if len(volumes) > 0 and volumes[-1] == 0:
    return volumes


Remove outliers from the volume statistics of the channel.

It sorts the volume values, determines a threshold at the 85th percentile, and caps any volume values above this threshold to the threshold value.

  • (int) Number of modified outliers.
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def normalize_volumes(self) -> int:
    """Remove outliers from the volume statistics of the channel.

        It sorts the volume values, determines a threshold at the 85th percentile,
        and caps any volume values above this threshold to the threshold value.

        :return: (int) Number of modified outliers.

    if len(self._volumes) == 0:
        return 0
    nb = 0
    sorted_volumes = sorted(self._volumes)
    rms_threshold = sorted_volumes[int(0.85 * len(sorted_volumes))]
    for i, v in enumerate(self._volumes):
        if v > rms_threshold:
            self._volumes[i] = rms_threshold
            nb += 1
    return nb



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def __repr__(self):
    return str(self._volumes)